14 Ways We’ll Know We’ve Made It


Right. Eyes focused, ready to dive in. Here we go…
We’ll know we’ve made it when…

  1. we make the long list of yacht designs to check out
  2. the Can Opener completes all his supporting courses: first aid, diesel maintenance, survival, etc.
  3. the Can Opener achieves all the fitness goals I’ve set for him each year
  4. we are able to read Spanish news and understand a Spanish newscast
  5. we make the short list of yacht designs to check out
  6. the Can Opener passes his Yachtmaster level
  7. we complete the boat purchase
  8. we take the first sail in the new boat (new to us)
  9. the Can Opener finishes programming provisioning spreadsheets – for food, gear etc
  10. we finish refitting
  11. we finish provisioning for the first big offshore on our own boat
  12. we organise and hold our launch party
  13. we cast off lines and leave for our first big offshore on our own boat
  14. we reach 50,000 offshore sailing nautical miles (100,000nm etc)

What are your milestones? When will you know you’ve arrived?
–Captain Cat
(transcribed by the Can Opener) 

Previously: How Will We Know When We’ve Made It?

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