Cruising in Greece: Pluses, Minuses & Quirks

So, how great was the lecture on cruising the Greek Islands at the Cruising Association?

The clubhouse is easy to find at Limehouse, there were friendly people to welcome us at the Cruising Association, and a very knowledgeable speaker presented.

Jim Baerselman has lived in Greece for over 30 years. He presented inspiring photos and clearly laid out advice for cruising in Greece. Tons of ideas for islands to visit and special harbours not to miss. You can find his website here. Lots of advice on cruising in the Mediterranean too.
Pluses of Cruising in the Greek Islands
  • one of the safest regions in the Med
  • low theft
  • absolutely beautiful land, waters and (mostly) beautiful weather
  • endless islands to visit
  • friendly, very generous people
  • low cost of living
  • sheltered anchorages
  • in uncompleted marinas you don’t have to pay
  • many anchorages and quays are free
  • many free quays have free water and electricity too

  • you can moor to a quay and then walk to the taverna 10 steps away! 


    • poor infrastructure
    • poor sewage management
    • litter
    • disorganised services
    • marine bureaucracy
    • Greece has only 14 real ‘full-service’ marinas
    • Greek script makes everything a mystery till you learn it – after you learn it though, you can read place names and restaurant awnings which helps with directions and the all important hunter-gathering
    • cell and internet coverage not guaranteed – but of course we cruise to get away from it all… right? (Hey fuzzball! Some of us enjoy an internet chat or two. And I do remember youwere nearly welded to the screen on our last voyage, trying to skype Pussy Galore every night.Hmmph. Moving right along…

    • if you are towed into harbour because your engine fails, the harbour police require a 600 euro ‘survey fee’ to confirm the boat has been returned to seaworthy condition before you can leave the harbour again – which does not include an actual survey
    • publications of required Greek rules for yachts are no longer printed in English but if you don’t follow them you can get fined anyway – and rules are not consistently applied


    • translations of all the Greek rules are available on the Cruising Association’s member site


    Before this lecture, we were hoping to join a rally in the Greek Islands as crew next year. Now we are absolutely convinced!

    We are destination dreamin’ of Greece!
    Ever cruised in the Greek Islands?
    What islands did you visit?
    What do you recommend as must-sees and don’t-forgets?

    –Captain Cat

    (transcribed by the Can Opener) 

    Cruising Lectures

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