10 Reasons To Sail Off Into The Sunset

The Cruising Kitty’s 10 Reasons To Sail Off Into The Sunset

  1. new places
  2. new faces
  3. new food groups!
  4. freedom from onerous societal expectations
  5. independence – no boss! *
  6. self-reliance, self-sufficiency, time to yourself
  7. the beauty of wind and the waves and the feel of it on your fur
  8. fish – for eating: mahimahi, dorado, tuna, flying fish, every kind of fish…
  9. fish – for watching: whales and dolphins

       and most importantly (this one is the Can Opener’s)… 

   10. sailing naked! **

So, what’s on your list? 

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener) 

* Well, the Can Opener has a boss, of course. Me. But this is mostly my list. 
** This is yet another quirk of the Can Opener’s that makes me despair. What’s the big deal? I sail naked… always.

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