More Wise Counsel to Anchor Yourself By

My choice of anchors and cables is worked out on the premise of stout gear to handle the worst conditions…with a minimum of fuss and wasted energy.

Which (anchor) is best? …we carry three (of the four well-known ones)… because each is good for different conditions. 

You can use duct tape to hold your oilskins together. You can get by with unvarnished oars or a spinnaker with a dozen patches. You skip cockpit cushions entirely. But when it comes to anchors and cables, you want the best.

Hal Roth, How to Sail Around the World

Can’t argue with that. More good advice for life in general too if you kind of squint your eyes when you look at it. 

–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener) 

Quote of the Day

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