New Year’s Resolutions 2012

New Year’s Resolutions for the Can Opener

  1. work out 4x/wk 
  2. build some serious sea miles
  3. pass RYA Coastal Skipper Practical 
  4. finish researching yacht designs on the short list
  5. start actively viewing/self-surveying potential yachts on the final contenders list and keep notes
  6. study French 15 min/d, 5d/wk
  7. study Spanish 15 min/d, 5d/wk 
  8. proactively maintain smoked salmon stockpile at all times
  9. … and publish the Cruising Kitty blog 5x/wk  

New Year’s Resolutions for Captain Cat?

Hard to come up with too many as I am a nearly perfect cat. But no harm in trying… 

Here we go:

  1. be nicer to the Can Opener – regularly recognise his efforts with judicious application of the oyster tin (with contents). We know positive encouragement beats all other routes to success hands down every time
  2. share my mouse more often (Why? See #1 above.)
  3. …and I suppose I could join the Can Opener for a few weekly turns on the treadmill. To keep up his spirits of course… there is no truth to the rumour that my belly currently provides more durable buoyancy than my own life jacket.
–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

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