Tubing It To… Sail Away!

Can Opener: Put on yer feathery hat and cape, we’re going’ to the Cruising Association. Nicola Rodriguez, author of Sail Away, is talking about exploring the Caribbean, Bahamas, US Eastern Seaboard and the Med. So, Captain C– 

Captain Cat: Sensei!  

Can Opener: Yer Highnessy Cap’n, Sensei, whatever– What’s up anyway with the karate obsession? 

Captain Cat: What’s up with slogging it down on the tube to this Cruising Association every Wednesday? 

Can Opener: It’s not every week and the cruising lectures are great! Informative and interesting every time. We always learn something we didn’t know – or even think about – before. 

Hey buddy, the commute shouldn’t bother a welter weight like you, seeing as you climb up and ride on my shoulder the whole way there… 

Captain Cat: It makes it easier to steer you by your ears. 

Can Opener: So I’m never going to learn where this karate insanity came from? 

Captain Cat:  Think of all the time you save not polishing my sceptre, dusting my orb, ironing my cape…  My ‘rising sun’ headband will still need pressing however. 

Can Opener:  Ah.

(transcribed by the Can Opener) 

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