Umpire for Team Racing

I‘ve volunteered the Can Opener to help out on the umpire boats at an upcoming Red Tabby Team Racing Regatta.

It’s a great way to give back to a good club and to bone up on the sailing racing rules at the same time.

Why do we need to know the Racing Rules for Sailing if our real focus is on cruising?

Team racing means lots of close quarters manoeuvring. It’s a great way to participate in what in many ways is a totally new (to us) sport – while continuing to hone critical boat handling skills. 

And if you play the game, you’d better know the rules.

Have you ever tried umpiring a team racing event? How’d it go?  

–Captain Cat  

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Update: The umpire training day and regatta were postponed due to icy weather. Hopefully, we’ll get another chance soon…

Update 2:  Looks like this won’t be rescheduled till next winter season. We’re looking forward to joining in then…

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