Coastal Skipper Training

Captains’ Log
Stardate: 2012224
Gloomy days. Just as we approach the much anticipated acceleration point of our Get Cruising Now Plan… I learn of proof beyond doubt that the First Mate has lost all marbles. 

Turns out this cruising crew the Can Opener has been invited to join – they specifically want to practice Crew Over Board training and anchoring… over and over and over again.. for days

The Can Opener is practically skipping with joy – when he should be filleting my Sunday night’s prime haddock!

Granted this will be the perfect chance to prep him for the RYA Coastal Skipper exam that I have decreed he will get this year. 

And also granted that being invited to test on the boat with a familiar crew is a boon. Not only will he be familiar with the boat and crew before the test – but it will be quite cost effective. But honestly – COB drills??  

(That’s not Crew Over Board that’s Cat Over Board drills, Furrball. We can skip this part if you reeeeeeally want us to…) 

Hmm… But……with all this training going on… how will the Can Opener find time to stand over me waving palm fronds as I snooze? (‘Twas never likely, my friend…) 

How will he eke out sufficient time to dust my orb, polish my feather cap and rinse my frillies? (I’ll do it before we go out.)

Ah. Hmm… okay. If you erect a properly sized yoga platform across the foredeck – it’s a done deal. 

(Right-ho, Captain. I’m on it.)

–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

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