It’s Official!

The paperwork’s done and it’s official – we’re now full members of the Red Tabby Yacht Club!
We joined in October as temporary members and loved the sailing events, opportunities and Welcome Cocktail Party. It’s certainly a friendly crowd round here, full of enthusiasm and those who love sailing as much as we do. 
There’s something about a mutual love of boats that really brings folks together.
I’m glad we joined (as I recall Furrball, at the time you emphatically expressed your doubts – something about how many smoked oysters the club fees could alternatively be spent on… No, dear Can Opener, your memory is flawed). 
In fact, I think I feel a song coming on. My rock ‘n’ roll duet mate, Prince ‘A’, would approve. I think he said he’d be in town next week… Must practice before we debut it to fans fawning about us at the club bar.

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can opener)
The Red Tabby Yacht Club
Next: Sailing Season Begins!
  MORE Cocktails!

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