Ocean Passage Making

Ocean Passage Making presentation at the Red Tabby

Can’t go under it. Can’t go over it. Can’t go around… 

The First Mate and I tripped lightly last week down to the Red Tabby, eyes aglow, to listen to a presentation chock full of ocean crossing tips. Here are the…


You need to have:

  • tons of paper charts for the region you are cruising (for an around-the-world race you need an amazing 380 (approx) paper charts on board – which is legally required)
  • electronic copies of same
  • Broadcast Schedules of the Weather Forecast
  • Nautical Almanac – 1 per region
  • Pilots 

It costs 1000s £/$ to get all this, so look for as much as possible online – where you can often download it free (and make both paper copies and electronic copies). More and more stuff offered free online every day.


    • On a good boat:
      • everything has a back up
      • everything is redundant
      • eg. backup halyards – alternate tension between 2 halyards every 12 hours to reduce strain.

    • Don’t rely on water-makers or refrigerators.
      • Plan not to rely on them – treat them as an added bonus if you have them and they happen to still work.
      • Use baby wipes to keep clean and save water! 
    • VHF range is only 25-50 nautical miles max – how will you get info/data, communication outside this range? Make sure you already have what you need before you go.

    Preventing breakdowns – Attention to detail

    • Constantly do checks – prevention is better than cure.
    • Go through scenarios and plan for emergencies 
      • what if the rudder breaks? 
      • what if a shroud snaps?…
    • Build tools and spares inventory with this in mind.
    • Prevent chafe on metal, sails and lines before it happens.
      • There’s lots of chafe on trade wind routes!
      • Get rid of metal to metal connections – eg.. use spectra lines to tie on shackles to boom.
      • eg. Use cable ties or seizing wire to secure shackle pins.

    Choosing Crew

      • Are they medically fit? Do they get seasick?
      • Know and confirm the experience and skill level of your crew in detail.
      • Can you rely on them to keep a proper lookout?
        • Are they reliable?
        • Do they have a long attention span?
        • Reliability is more important than navigational ability.
      • It’s helpful to choose crew with useful, different backgrounds eg medical, mechanical, communications experts…

      How will a medical emergency be handled? 

      Effective helicopter range is 200 miles offshore – this leaves a big gap in the middle of the ocean where you have to handle medical emergencies on your own.

      • Get pre-passage medical training – first aid, wilderness first aid, wilderness dental, pet aid, survival training…
      • Choose crew with medical backgrounds, as above.
        Clearly these lecture tips do not cover everything you need to know for an ocean passage. But they’re good points to think about. It was an evening well spent.

        Have you completed an ocean passage? What are some highlights and tips that you recommend?

        Are you preparing for an ocean passage? What other topics are you researching?

        –Captain Cat

        (transcribed by the Can Opener) 

        Cruising Lectures
        Previously: Cruising in Oceania

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