Celestial Navigation For Yachtsmen – Reviewed

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Book the Captain has snoozed upon:  
Celestial Navigation For Yachtsmen, by Mary Blewitt

How do you use a sextant, take a noon site and do all those calculations to find out where on earth you are?  

Just after WWII, Mary Blewitt (past Secretary of the Royal Ocean Racing Club and then Chairman of the Royal Yachting Association Racing Rules Committee) summed it all up in 50 short pages – concise, clear, down to earth. 

Her work is considered the gold standard on celestial navigation.

If you’re thinking of crossing an ocean, it may be the best investment you make. (Well, that and buying a sextant…)

One of the best cruising ‘texts’ the Can Opener ever bought.
The info is timeless.  

Ever read Celestial Navigation For Yachtsmen, by Mary Blewitt? How did you find it? Any good recommendations for other books for the sea library?

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Book Reviews

Previously: Sail Away!
Next: RYA VHF Radio text – Reviewed!

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