List For Loved Ones

Important Note: The Can Opener is in no way responsible for this choice of picture. A Captain Cat pick through and through. And the last time he gets to select the leading image… (Ya think? We’ll see about that, mate.)

Making a ‘Delivery Itinerary and Contacts’ List

What’s on our List for Loved Ones?

…Also a Captain Cat pick.

  • flight info
  • basic yacht route info
  • description of the yacht
  • list of all crew and their contact info
  • contact info for the owner’s home base
  • our doctor’s and vet’s contact info
  • health insurance 24 hour helpline number
  • customer service numbers for our airline
  • list of marine retailers along our route that carry the brand of life jacket I’ve got the Can Opener wearing and their contact info
  • contact info for our smoked oyster supplier and Fedex delivery numbers

We’re giving copies of this to the Can Opener’s ex/not-ex/ex/not-ex, better known as She-of-the-eternal-smoked-salmon. Also to the-best-vet-in-the-world and to my mom, Griselda.

Any other items that should be on the list? Any advice gladly received.

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can opener)

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