Captain Cat Funds a Boat

Captain Cat Funds a Boat

Couldn’t be simpler – here’s my plan:
  1. Get a job, 80-100 hours or so per week is best*.
  2. When you can’t fit any more money in the bathtub, get out the wheelbarrow.
  3. Load cash into barrow, wheelie it down to the main street and put it in something called a bank account.
  4. When the numbers in the account equal the price of your dream boat – your boat is funded!
  5. Quit job.
  6. Invest money.
  7. Research and shop for boat (meanwhile training, studying, preparing self to cruise)…
  8. … aaaaaaaaaaaand… buy one!
The plan is coming along nicely. Frankly, I’m a genius. 
And the radioactive glower coming at me from the Can Opener is inexplicable.
–Captain Cat
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

* as in get the First Mate to get a job.

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