Casting Off The Bow Lines: The Delivery Begins…

Good bye Caleta del Vélez! 

Up out of my comfy cabin bed at an unseasonal 8am. Provisions and personal belongings already stowed. Sails prepped and at the ready. A hearty crew breakfast of chorizos y chocolate…

and then we’re off!

I organised the Can Opener and the crew to cast off the spring, bow and stern lines, let the wind catch my bow to spin us around and then steered a confident course for the open sea.

These catamarans carry quite a lot of freeboard – at the wheel I sit nearly 9 feet above the water. It’s kind of like driving a small office building across the Med. Ah me, new experiences every day…
And hellooooo Alboran Sea

–Captain Cat 
 (transcribed by the Can Opener)

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