North to Palermo

North round the coast of Sicily to Palermo!

Local advice from our marina manager (owned by the ebullient and playful Vento, dog of wind) told us that the Sirocco can – and is expected to – blow uninterrupted for at least a month or so more. Vento concurred. And it’s strongest along the south coast of Sicily where we had been planning to continue our route. 

A scenic Trapani fishing harbour
It looked like we would be waiting it out in Trapani for quite some time (not such a terrible fate!)…
Heading north over the top of Sicily, however, the marina manager told us, the winds should be lighter – and today they did look more promising…
Another small harbour in Trapani
After rechecking the marine radio forecast and comparing it to our favourite site,, we revised the route plan.

So it was north, over the top of Sicily, to Palermo!
Coast of Sicily

Winds were 20 knots as we set out and built steadily throughout the day. By the time we reached Palermo in the evening it was 30 knots gusting to 35.

The winds were probably stronger on the southern route round Sicily. The north route to Palermo, however, was still demanding and ensured deep sleeps for all when we finally reached our evening’s destination.

–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

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