Cruising Fitness – Progress Review

This is NOT the Can Opener. But if Captain Cat were human, he would look JUST like this.


How’s the First Mate shaping up these days?

It’s good to know where you’ve been. Looking back at my scrupulously kept records, I was surprised to see just how far the First Mate has come in one short year. 

While we will always press on, we are pleased with his progress thus far. Three stars and a catnip free-for-all for the Can Opener! 

(Hey, Furrball – it’s supposed to be about rewards that I would like!   Mmph? Who would not like catnip?? The First Mate doth speak in riddles…)

Current Training Plan 2012

  • Strength Training: 4x/week, 30 minutes per session, 25% increase in weights carried over last year
  • Cardio: 4x/week at the gym, 45 minutes per session, includes 25% intensity increase 2x/week (ie interval training begun). Treadmill, bikes, x-trainer
  • Crunches: 3x/week, 150-200/day
  • Flexibility: stretching before and after, 5 minutes x2

Last Year’s Training Plan
Here’s the point that he started from in 2011

  • Strength Training: 3x/week, 30 minutes per session
  • Cardio: 4x/week at the gym, 30 minutes per session. Treadmill, bikes, x-trainer.
  • Crunches: 100/day, 3x/week
  • Flexibility: stretching before and after, 5 minutes x2

Could I push the Can Opener harder? Of course, I could! But I know this guy. Slow and steady wins the race.

Could he cruise without this fitness training? Of course, he could. Many – even most – cruisers probably do. Seems like a good idea to get him in shape though. I may need some tuna crates hefted out of the bilge-bottom depths of a boat locker someday. He needs to be prepared.

Cost so far
  • I have moved the Can Opener to a gym that only costs £216/year ($344/year) or just £18/month ($29/month)! It doesn’t have a pool though… 
  • (Last year’s gym was a little dearer: £360/year ($593/year) ie. £30/month for gym membership on special offer. It didn‘t have a pool either. This was a pretty average cost in our town.)
  • £50 ($82) – last year’s training shoes, on sale 

What sports/exercise best translate to a live-aboard life?

What else should I add to the Can Opener’s fitness programme? Yoga? T’ai Chi? Any suggestions gratefully received.

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

One thought on “Cruising Fitness – Progress Review

  1. WOW!!! Teach me coach:) I love how you laid your plan out, so others who are looking to shake up their routine get ideas from your totally awesome plan.

    Today we were 'on the same page' as I I too posted yesterday about fitness and boating. I've been finding ways to translate my land based routines to our seasonal coastal cruising in Nova Scotia.

    I'm glad you raised it, and so thoroughly.



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