Something Magical

New Year’s Eve…

There’s something in the air that keeps telling us that 2013 is going to be a busy – and we hope a very productive year.

Some little frisson of magic that‘s making our fur stand ever so slightly on end. 

We’re going to do our darnedest to make it that way anyway!

Best wishes to all and to all a very

Happy New Year! 

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Kitty’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2012

New Year’s Resolutions for the Can Opener

  1. 100 days on the water in 2013!
  2. finish researching yacht designs on the short list
  3. start actively viewing potential yachts
  4. study Spanish 5 min/d (down from last year’s goal of 15min/d – which did not work out at all)
  5. keep on going to the gym4x/wk    

This year, we’re going with the theory that doing a few things well is a better strategy than aiming for a giant impossible list.

New Year’s Resolutions for Captain Cat?

Mmph? Naaaaaaaaah.

(Audible, agitated, but indecipherable commentary from the Can Opener off stage…)

Okay, okay. Here we go: 

  1. Be EVEN nicer to the Can Opener if that’s possible (further indecipherable commentary from the Can Opener off stage)…….. Apparantly, this is possible.
  2. Share my Jackie Chan and Cameron Diaz DVD collections more often (Why? See #1 above.)

(…Indecipherable commentary becomes less agitated.)

Well. I suppose that’ll be exhausting enough for one year.. Must find my silk cushion now to recover upon.

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Kitty’s Year in Review 2012

We passed a lot of milestones in 2012!

Cruising Kitty’s Year in Review 2012

Our favourite achievement
What are we most pleased that we accomplished in 2012? Quite a few things actually. 

We’re thrilled to get out nearly 50 days on the water. We were thrilled to have had the chance to sail on 9 different types of yachts. Thrilled to see a big stretch of the southeast coast, sail in 5 countries and film cavorting dolphins.

And we are very pleased with the Can Opener’s progress this year: he’s finished all the RYA navigation courses, hit all the physical training goals I set for him, researched reams of cruising and design topics – and wrote it all up and posted it on my blog. 

Didn’t really expect him to have time to hit so many targets actually. I put it all down to my outstanding planning and monitoring. But I still give him three big stars.

But most of all in 2012, we were thrilled to meet so many helpful, dedicated and inspirational yachtsmen and women to sail with and to exchange ideas, theories and info with.

Our best move in 2012
Our best move ever was joining the Red Tabby Yacht Club. That started it all. 

But our best move in 2012?

That’s got to be joining Cap’n André’s team. Great group of guys, as big on sailing as we are, and that all move with nautical feline grace – yet still know how to share out the smoked salmon at mealtimes fair and square.

We met Cap’n André at the Red Tabby Spring Sailing Forum at beginning of the year. So joining the Red Tabby really has been a great investment that keeps on paying out excellent dividends.

The biggest challenge in 2012 was
...getting down to Solent every time. We are currently streamlining our assets as we save for the yacht o’ my dreams, so no car for the Can Opener and myself – we take the train.  

This means a 3+ hour commute to get down to the water’s edge before each passage

But this was okay as Cap’n André gave us the keys to his yacht practically from the first moment we met him – what a guy! So wed go down early the night before and stay over on the boat

This worked out well all round as it gave the First Mate and I the chance to prep the boat before everyone else arrived. Then we could all get off the dock pronto and have longer sailing days.

What we hope for next year
As discussed earlier this week with Santa, my biggest hope for 2013 is to: double our time on the water

This would mean 100 days. One hundred days. One hundred big ol’ days of wonder, joy and learning. But also a heck of a lot to cram into one year. 

That would mean every Saturday and Sunday all year. Or 3.5 months at sea. Or about 7 two-week passages.

However you slice it, 100 days is a LOT. 

But having a massive goal to aim for is inspirational. It gives you that extra get-up-and-sprint motivation that gets things moving and gets things done. 

At Wharton, the Can Opener says, they called this kind of goal a BHAG – big hairy audacious goal. 

Well big, hairy and audacious – that’s me. So a 100-day goal is the one for us!

2013 – It’s gonna be great!

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Kitty Sailing Events List 2012

The Cruising Kitty’s Sailing Events List 2012
Here’s a list of the sailing and cruising events the Can Opener and I participated in in 2012:


Total number of events: 

Total days on the water: 47

Sea miles gained this year: 3600

Next year… we‘d love to double it!  

Why count up where we’ve been? You gotta know where you‘ve been to know where you’re going. At least, we figure it can’t hurt. And it feels good too.

Next up: I’ve got the Can Opener working on our Cruising Resolutions for 2013. 

When he’s done, he can have the smoked oyster I’ve got waiting for him, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here! 

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Kitty’s Lecture List for 2012

The Cruising Kitty’s Lecture List for 2012

Here’s the complete list of the cruising lectures the First Mate and I attended in 2012:
    1. London Boat Show: Electrics for Boaters
    2. London Boat Show: Diesel Engines
    3. Cruising Association: 35 Years of Cruising Sailboat Design with Chuck Paine
    4. Cruising Association: Sail Away
    5. Cruising Association: Jimmy Cornell Speaks
    6. Cruising Association: La Dolce Vita – Cruising the Islands of the Central Mediterranean 
    7. Cruising Association: Hostage – A Year at Gunpoint with Paul & Rachel Chandler
    8. Cruising Association: Cruising in Oceania
    9. Red Tabby Yacht Club: Ocean Passage Making
    10. Cruising Association: Mid-Ocean Things That Could Spoil Your Day
    11. Cruising Association: Power on Board
    12. Cruising Association: Communication At Sea
    13. Cruising Association: Victualling and Food Care
    14. Cruising Association: Fuel Care – Biocides and Bugs
    15. Cruising Association: Grenada
    16. Cruising Association: Yacht Preparation and Equipment
    17. Cruising Association: Medical Matters on Board
    18. Red Tabby Yacht Club: Southern Adventure
    19. Southampton Boat Show: On The Water Training!
    20. RYA VHF Course
    21. Cruising Association: Spain and Back in a Summer
    22. Cruising Association: Bora Bora and the Pacific Islands
    23. Cruising Association: Cape Horn and North to Alaska
    24. Red Tabby Yacht Club: Racing Rules for 2013~2016
    25. Cruising Association: Cruising to Arctic Norway

    Huh. It didn’t seem like so much at the time, but when you write it all down… it adds up nicely!

    –Captain Cat

    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    A Year In Pictures 2012

    Best boats of the year!!

    All the boats we sailed on in 2012: 

    Baltic 35

    Cap’n André’s boat!

    Hallberg-Rassy 29

    Cap’n Davie‘s!

    Sigma 38

    Sigma racing!

    Reflex 38 

    Junior Offshore Group racing!


    Red Tabby team racing!


    Racing at Cowes Week! – Image Source

    Arcona 37

    More Junior Offshore Group racing!

    Fountaine Pajot 40

     The Spain-Greece 2012 delivery


    Eleanora, a 90 ft schooner and an exact replica of Westward that was launched in 1910. 


    –Captain Cat 
    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    Dear Santa

    Dear Santa Claws,

    Well, the year draws to another close – and in just a few hours, I get to see you again! 
    First off, a super big scoop of appreciation for last year. You really delivered big time – on everything! 
    The foul weather gear, booties, life jackets, catnip and the sea miles!… We got in more sea miles than we had ever hoped for.  It was a great year! And if you were in on that Mayan Apocalypse passing us by, well – thanks for that too.
    The patience that I asked for, however,… the Can Opener still could do with a bit more.* Also the peace on earth. But I realise these things take time. 

    This year I ask for but one big thing for the sailing agenda:

    1. double the number of days on the water as last year.

    I realise that you could just as easily email the above as a gift certificate/coupon, but I do hope you’ll show up anyway tonight to shake paws all ’round and lend us a few scritches by the tree. 

    I’ll have your favourite smoked salmon and oysters laid on. And I’ve saved a few of the Can Opener’s famous almond star cookies for you too this year
    But I’ll be drinking all the milk, of course, as you’re driving.

    Yours devotedly,

    Captain Cat 
    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    *Though notably he did re-alphabetise my entire Jackie Chan DVD collection without a single complaint.

    Ready For Christmas!

    So, we’re ready for Christmas!

    We have hung our stockings by the chimney mantel. The holly’s been stolen from the local park and tossed around the stairway banisters. No white Christmas snow in sight, which is fine – just as I decreed.

    The First Mate‘s in our land galley rustling up endless Christmas cookies. Including some for guests. Mulled wine‘s a-mulling.  Presents wrapped. Many seem to be book shaped and one might even be a new sextant. The Can Opener did get quite unsettled when I began pouncing and rattling it… 

    Yes, Yuletide 2012 is just around the corner. 

    So… exhausted from putting final touches on the Can Opener’s last minute to-do lists, I’ll just settle down here under the tree, next to this marine pressure cooker-shaped object and dream of magnificent fish chowders to come.  

    I can’t think of anything better to do on the night-before-the-night-before-the-night-before-the-night-before Christmas. 

    Can you? 

    –Captain Cat 

    (transcribed by the Can Opener)