Red Tabby Cruising Committee Meets

The first Meeting of the Red Tabby Cruising Committee has adjourned… and it was fantastic! There were free drinks for everyone, three course meals, cupcakes to frolic in… 

Well, possibly not free for everyone – but for beloved guests of honour… absolutely. (The First Mate‘s strangled choking noises behind me are a tad reminiscent of when he was trying to bift me off the cupcake pile last night. But frankly if I heeded all of the Can Opener’s gasping and in articulate overreacting I would never get anything done. And certainly the cupcake count of my life would be dramatically lower.)

The First Mate spent the better part of this morning with Cruising Committee work: drafting emails to Cruising Section Members to publicise upcoming club cruising events this Spring. Tomorrow he’ll be compiling the updated Section contact list. Moaning and aching all day, he was. As if he were the only one frenetically employed…

At times, I do find the Can Opener has little regard for real effort – I have been busy all morning filing the leftover patisserie I looted. Filed according to colour, culinary heritage and tastiness… (Oi! WHERE did these come from, Fuzzbucket?? I thought I completely emptied your dreadful sac à main last night! My dear First Mate, that delightful Red Tabby chef absolutely pressed them upon me when I told him I could get him Dee Cafari‘s autograph. She still remembers me…)

Quality control is my forté. 

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Princess Anne Spotted!

Princess Anne Spotting!

Can you find HRH in the photo above?

There we were, just lounging on the RYA benches in the lecture space at the London Boat Show, soaking up all the wisdom on diesel engine maintenance when… the lecturer’s eyes bugged out, his voice went hoarse, his words trailed off dry as dust


Because Princess Anne, that well-known sailing aficianado, was strolling past our booth, hotly pursued and surrounded by her security scrum.

Instantly I required the Can Opener to stand guard over my lounging spot so that none of the wily diesel hangers-on would nab my place (and to take over photography duties).

Then I sprang into action (cue Mission Impossible music) and began scaling the canopy over the RYA lecture area. With absolute precision I lined up my quarry, then sprang-pounced from the canopy corner, and swan-dived directly into Princess Anne’s paper Primark shopping bags… 

(CO: You did not! Largely because I knew exactly what might whiz through your demented brain and instantly pinned you in a half-Neilson between my knees…

CC: O yeah? Explain the ‘Mission Impossible’ music then!

CO: …That, I cannot explain…)  


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Gulliver G

At the Boat Show again… 

We returned to the Boat Show yesterday for another round of joy and jubilant perusing and learning…

And what did we find in the marina but… Clare Francis‘ boat that she sailed across the Atlantic in the 1973 Observer Royal Western Single-handed Transatlantic Yacht Race!!

Could we contain our excitement? No, we could not!

It’s a Nicholson 32, still in great shape and with some new improvements added (we are sure the solar panels on the deck were not there when Clare was on her 1973 voyage!). 

We can’t believe how small it seems. And we love it. 

We puttered straight over to the Nicholson 32 Owners’ Assocation at the Show and loaded up on more information there. They sure were a nice bunch. 

The Nic 32 shoots straight to the top of our ‘favourite yacht designs to consider’ list!

–Captain Cat 

 (transcribed by the Can Opener)

It’s All About The Journey

In the Marina at the London Boat Show 2013

It’s All About The Journey…

Okay. So if it’s all about the journey… what are these things doing at MY boat show??

We’d get to wherever we’re going in these monsters in about two seconds, no – three seconds absolute max.  

No time at all to relax and smell the tuna. Or the mahi mahi. 

It must make sense to somebody, because these machines are here. It does not make sense to yours truly.


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

At The Boat Show 2013

At The London Boat Show 2013…aaaaaaall day!

FanTAStic!  …And now for a restorative snooze…

I will require the Can Opener to capture my reflection, opinions and unparalleled genius on the morrow.

To the silk cushion!

Your humble (yet ever perfect) servant,

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Sailing 2013 Begins!

Spring Events Schedule

What‘s on in Spring 2013?

We’ve scheduled ourselves for every lecture we can find in our area, some good courses, special events and even some brave-the-elements sailing! 

If we can find more, we’ll add to the list as we go along.

Here’s our list for Spring 2013:

  • Boat Show lectures
  • Cruising Association lectures
  • 2 Cruising Association seminars
  • Red Tabby lectures  
  • Red Tabby’s Boat Show Cocktail Party
  • RYA first aid course
  • RYA sea survival course  
  • Red Tabby Sailing Forum!
  • passages with Cap’n Davie 
  • Red Tabby J80 sailing?
  • and, of course, the Red Tabby Cruising Committee dinners!

(OY! There’s research, organising and work to be done for the Cruising Committee too, Furrball! Not just mealtimes!  Speak for yerself, Oh OpposableThumbed-One…)

Great Bastet, it’s gonna be great!


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)