Princess Anne Spotted!

Princess Anne Spotting!

Can you find HRH in the photo above?

There we were, just lounging on the RYA benches in the lecture space at the London Boat Show, soaking up all the wisdom on diesel engine maintenance when… the lecturer’s eyes bugged out, his voice went hoarse, his words trailed off dry as dust


Because Princess Anne, that well-known sailing aficianado, was strolling past our booth, hotly pursued and surrounded by her security scrum.

Instantly I required the Can Opener to stand guard over my lounging spot so that none of the wily diesel hangers-on would nab my place (and to take over photography duties).

Then I sprang into action (cue Mission Impossible music) and began scaling the canopy over the RYA lecture area. With absolute precision I lined up my quarry, then sprang-pounced from the canopy corner, and swan-dived directly into Princess Anne’s paper Primark shopping bags… 

(CO: You did not! Largely because I knew exactly what might whiz through your demented brain and instantly pinned you in a half-Neilson between my knees…

CC: O yeah? Explain the ‘Mission Impossible’ music then!

CO: …That, I cannot explain…)  


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

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