Spinnaker Drills – Racing vs Cruising


Spinnaker Drills – Cruising 

Last Friday I had the Can Opener doing spinnaker drills double time quick on the foredeck of our buddy Cap’n André’s boat. 

The three of us cruised over to Langstone Harbour for the day, put the assymetric up and joyfully tweeked the sail controls all the way to maximise our speed.

A truly fantastic day. Not one thing I’d change about it. No sir-ee.

In the past, the Can Opener’s been skipper more often than not. So finetuning his skills on the foredeck is one of the many priorities I have for him. He worked like a trooper and I must say I was tolerably pleased with his performance.

When we’re out alone, he’ll be the one attending to the sail changes so it’s critical he gets it right… right after he finishes sautéing my fresh-caught fish juuuuust the way I like it.


Spinnaker Drills – Cruising vs Racing Performance


The number 1 racing spinnaker

On Saturday and Sunday, the Can Opener and I relocated to an ocean racer – delightfully named Cougar – to do a Junior Offshore Group race from Hamble to Poole and back again.

Great to be with a new team of eight, all stalwart men and women with a nostalgia and passion for racing that matches our own. The Can Opener was once again assigned to the foredeck – fantastic! 

Saturday had whisper light winds; Sunday produced a steady 18 knot breeze. I was thrilled that he could get practice in on varying wind speeds and on different deck set ups.

Every time you get on a new boat, you find a different set up. Lines laid differently, winches and fittings configured in new and interesting ways. Lots of new stuff to consider and file away in the old mental recesses for when we are laying out our own deck.

What’s the difference between cruising spinnaker hoists and racing hoists? Speedy, baby, speed.

I videoed the Can Opener hoisting on our buddy André’s boat. When I reviewed the video earlier today, I couldn’t believe how leisurely we approached spinnaker work on André’s boat. 

I guess cruising is all about taking it easy… but everything has a balance. And we’re gonna make that cruising balance a little more racy going forward.

Why? Because cleanly executed sail changes and foredeck work could be critical while cruising in an unexpected blow. 

Might as well get your speed and skill up cruising now for when you (may) need it cruising tomorrow!

The number 2 light racing spinnaker


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Previously: Spinnaker Drill


Southern Shore England

‘Old Harry’ – limestone cliffs worn by the sea near Poole, on the southern shore of England
Yes, indeed. We are steadily mile-building. 

We picked up a new crewmate in Poole two weekends ago – a friend of André, the owner – and moved Un Tigre Beau back along the southern shore of England, past the famously jagged ‘Needles’, up the Solent and back to its regular resting place in the Hamble. 


‘The Needles’



Entering the Solent on the approach to the Isle of Wight


A feisty day, force 5 – 7 winds the whole way. I was particularly pleased with the Can Opener’s steering through some nasty swell coming into the Needles Channel.

Must say that this sailing gig is quite exhilarating!  
–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

It’s All About The Journey

In the Marina at the London Boat Show 2013

It’s All About The Journey…

Okay. So if it’s all about the journey… what are these things doing at MY boat show??

We’d get to wherever we’re going in these monsters in about two seconds, no – three seconds absolute max.  

No time at all to relax and smell the tuna. Or the mahi mahi. 

It must make sense to somebody, because these machines are here. It does not make sense to yours truly.


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

At The Boat Show 2013

At The London Boat Show 2013…aaaaaaall day!

FanTAStic!  …And now for a restorative snooze…

I will require the Can Opener to capture my reflection, opinions and unparalleled genius on the morrow.

To the silk cushion!

Your humble (yet ever perfect) servant,

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Sailing 2013 Begins!

Spring Events Schedule

What‘s on in Spring 2013?

We’ve scheduled ourselves for every lecture we can find in our area, some good courses, special events and even some brave-the-elements sailing! 

If we can find more, we’ll add to the list as we go along.

Here’s our list for Spring 2013:

  • Boat Show lectures
  • Cruising Association lectures
  • 2 Cruising Association seminars
  • Red Tabby lectures  
  • Red Tabby’s Boat Show Cocktail Party
  • RYA first aid course
  • RYA sea survival course  
  • Red Tabby Sailing Forum!
  • passages with Cap’n Davie 
  • Red Tabby J80 sailing?
  • and, of course, the Red Tabby Cruising Committee dinners!

(OY! There’s research, organising and work to be done for the Cruising Committee too, Furrball! Not just mealtimes!  Speak for yerself, Oh OpposableThumbed-One…)

Great Bastet, it’s gonna be great!


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Kitty Sailing Events List 2012

The Cruising Kitty’s Sailing Events List 2012
Here’s a list of the sailing and cruising events the Can Opener and I participated in in 2012:


Total number of events: 

Total days on the water: 47

Sea miles gained this year: 3600

Next year… we‘d love to double it!  

Why count up where we’ve been? You gotta know where you‘ve been to know where you’re going. At least, we figure it can’t hurt. And it feels good too.

Next up: I’ve got the Can Opener working on our Cruising Resolutions for 2013. 

When he’s done, he can have the smoked oyster I’ve got waiting for him, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here! 

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Kitty’s Lecture List for 2012

The Cruising Kitty’s Lecture List for 2012

Here’s the complete list of the cruising lectures the First Mate and I attended in 2012:
    1. London Boat Show: Electrics for Boaters
    2. London Boat Show: Diesel Engines
    3. Cruising Association: 35 Years of Cruising Sailboat Design with Chuck Paine
    4. Cruising Association: Sail Away
    5. Cruising Association: Jimmy Cornell Speaks
    6. Cruising Association: La Dolce Vita – Cruising the Islands of the Central Mediterranean 
    7. Cruising Association: Hostage – A Year at Gunpoint with Paul & Rachel Chandler
    8. Cruising Association: Cruising in Oceania
    9. Red Tabby Yacht Club: Ocean Passage Making
    10. Cruising Association: Mid-Ocean Things That Could Spoil Your Day
    11. Cruising Association: Power on Board
    12. Cruising Association: Communication At Sea
    13. Cruising Association: Victualling and Food Care
    14. Cruising Association: Fuel Care – Biocides and Bugs
    15. Cruising Association: Grenada
    16. Cruising Association: Yacht Preparation and Equipment
    17. Cruising Association: Medical Matters on Board
    18. Red Tabby Yacht Club: Southern Adventure
    19. Southampton Boat Show: On The Water Training!
    20. RYA VHF Course
    21. Cruising Association: Spain and Back in a Summer
    22. Cruising Association: Bora Bora and the Pacific Islands
    23. Cruising Association: Cape Horn and North to Alaska
    24. Red Tabby Yacht Club: Racing Rules for 2013~2016
    25. Cruising Association: Cruising to Arctic Norway

    Huh. It didn’t seem like so much at the time, but when you write it all down… it adds up nicely!

    –Captain Cat

    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    Ready For Christmas!

    So, we’re ready for Christmas!

    We have hung our stockings by the chimney mantel. The holly’s been stolen from the local park and tossed around the stairway banisters. No white Christmas snow in sight, which is fine – just as I decreed.

    The First Mate‘s in our land galley rustling up endless Christmas cookies. Including some for guests. Mulled wine‘s a-mulling.  Presents wrapped. Many seem to be book shaped and one might even be a new sextant. The Can Opener did get quite unsettled when I began pouncing and rattling it… 

    Yes, Yuletide 2012 is just around the corner. 

    So… exhausted from putting final touches on the Can Opener’s last minute to-do lists, I’ll just settle down here under the tree, next to this marine pressure cooker-shaped object and dream of magnificent fish chowders to come.  

    I can’t think of anything better to do on the night-before-the-night-before-the-night-before-the-night-before Christmas. 

    Can you? 

    –Captain Cat 

    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    Cruising Fitness – Progress Review

    This is NOT the Can Opener. But if Captain Cat were human, he would look JUST like this.


    How’s the First Mate shaping up these days?

    It’s good to know where you’ve been. Looking back at my scrupulously kept records, I was surprised to see just how far the First Mate has come in one short year. 

    While we will always press on, we are pleased with his progress thus far. Three stars and a catnip free-for-all for the Can Opener! 

    (Hey, Furrball – it’s supposed to be about rewards that I would like!   Mmph? Who would not like catnip?? The First Mate doth speak in riddles…)

    Current Training Plan 2012

    • Strength Training: 4x/week, 30 minutes per session, 25% increase in weights carried over last year
    • Cardio: 4x/week at the gym, 45 minutes per session, includes 25% intensity increase 2x/week (ie interval training begun). Treadmill, bikes, x-trainer
    • Crunches: 3x/week, 150-200/day
    • Flexibility: stretching before and after, 5 minutes x2

    Last Year’s Training Plan
    Here’s the point that he started from in 2011

    • Strength Training: 3x/week, 30 minutes per session
    • Cardio: 4x/week at the gym, 30 minutes per session. Treadmill, bikes, x-trainer.
    • Crunches: 100/day, 3x/week
    • Flexibility: stretching before and after, 5 minutes x2

    Could I push the Can Opener harder? Of course, I could! But I know this guy. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Could he cruise without this fitness training? Of course, he could. Many – even most – cruisers probably do. Seems like a good idea to get him in shape though. I may need some tuna crates hefted out of the bilge-bottom depths of a boat locker someday. He needs to be prepared.

    Cost so far
    • I have moved the Can Opener to a gym that only costs £216/year ($344/year) or just £18/month ($29/month)! It doesn’t have a pool though… 
    • (Last year’s gym was a little dearer: £360/year ($593/year) ie. £30/month for gym membership on special offer. It didn‘t have a pool either. This was a pretty average cost in our town.)
    • £50 ($82) – last year’s training shoes, on sale 

    What sports/exercise best translate to a live-aboard life?

    What else should I add to the Can Opener’s fitness programme? Yoga? T’ai Chi? Any suggestions gratefully received.

    –Captain Cat

    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    Super Smoothies for Power Training

    Can Opener: Hey! Captain C, your sard–

    Captain Cat: You interrupt my karate lesson.

    Can Opener: –sardine smoothie arrives. With 10% froth as decreed. I’ll just put youtube on pause then, shall I?

    Captain Cat: In a leaded crystal bowl! Yes, that will be fine, Can Opener. All is good in paradise. Muscle rest and recovery is key to maximising… protein after training fuels muscle building… blah, blah, bla. Whatever. Bottoms up!

    Captain Cat’s Super Smoothie for Power Training 

    Total time to prep:  10 minutes
    # Servings:              2
    Level of difficulty:   Even the Can Opener can do it

    Into a pitcher big enough, dump the following:
    • 1/4 cup milk
    • 3/4 cup yoghurt (or frommage frais)
    • 1 cup ripe bananas (3 medium bananas should do it)
    • 1/2 cup strawberries, blueberries, nectarines, peaches, kiwis, mangoes, any kind of frozen berries, or for the very mild palate, pears

    Use a potato masher and a fork on a boat (if, like most people, you don’t carry the hand blender on board) – an extra bonus for the biceps. Otherwise, on land and for the fortunate, the handheld mixer is best.

    Directions: Peel. Dump. Blend. Slurp.

    Options: If you can stand the taste, adding a tablespoon of brewers’ yeast packs a huge vitamin B punch. My observation is, however, that given the choice between brewers’ yeast and more strawberries – most humans will take the strawberries.

    Favourite options you’ve added to your smoothie?

    –Captain Cat

    (transcribed by the Can Opener)

    Note: Most cats are lactose intolerant. They love cheese, treats are good – but they shouldn’t be carving out a new food group for it. This recipe is intended for humans. 

    Captain Cat, on the other hand, can eat anything, anywhere, anytime. My smoothie was still, of course, made with sardines and water. Obviously. Bring it on.