Cruising Kitty’s Year in Review 2012

We passed a lot of milestones in 2012!

Cruising Kitty’s Year in Review 2012

Our favourite achievement
What are we most pleased that we accomplished in 2012? Quite a few things actually. 

We’re thrilled to get out nearly 50 days on the water. We were thrilled to have had the chance to sail on 9 different types of yachts. Thrilled to see a big stretch of the southeast coast, sail in 5 countries and film cavorting dolphins.

And we are very pleased with the Can Opener’s progress this year: he’s finished all the RYA navigation courses, hit all the physical training goals I set for him, researched reams of cruising and design topics – and wrote it all up and posted it on my blog. 

Didn’t really expect him to have time to hit so many targets actually. I put it all down to my outstanding planning and monitoring. But I still give him three big stars.

But most of all in 2012, we were thrilled to meet so many helpful, dedicated and inspirational yachtsmen and women to sail with and to exchange ideas, theories and info with.

Our best move in 2012
Our best move ever was joining the Red Tabby Yacht Club. That started it all. 

But our best move in 2012?

That’s got to be joining Cap’n André’s team. Great group of guys, as big on sailing as we are, and that all move with nautical feline grace – yet still know how to share out the smoked salmon at mealtimes fair and square.

We met Cap’n André at the Red Tabby Spring Sailing Forum at beginning of the year. So joining the Red Tabby really has been a great investment that keeps on paying out excellent dividends.

The biggest challenge in 2012 was
...getting down to Solent every time. We are currently streamlining our assets as we save for the yacht o’ my dreams, so no car for the Can Opener and myself – we take the train.  

This means a 3+ hour commute to get down to the water’s edge before each passage

But this was okay as Cap’n André gave us the keys to his yacht practically from the first moment we met him – what a guy! So wed go down early the night before and stay over on the boat

This worked out well all round as it gave the First Mate and I the chance to prep the boat before everyone else arrived. Then we could all get off the dock pronto and have longer sailing days.

What we hope for next year
As discussed earlier this week with Santa, my biggest hope for 2013 is to: double our time on the water

This would mean 100 days. One hundred days. One hundred big ol’ days of wonder, joy and learning. But also a heck of a lot to cram into one year. 

That would mean every Saturday and Sunday all year. Or 3.5 months at sea. Or about 7 two-week passages.

However you slice it, 100 days is a LOT. 

But having a massive goal to aim for is inspirational. It gives you that extra get-up-and-sprint motivation that gets things moving and gets things done. 

At Wharton, the Can Opener says, they called this kind of goal a BHAG – big hairy audacious goal. 

Well big, hairy and audacious – that’s me. So a 100-day goal is the one for us!

2013 – It’s gonna be great!

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Dear Santa

Dear Santa Claws,

Well, the year draws to another close – and in just a few hours, I get to see you again! 
First off, a super big scoop of appreciation for last year. You really delivered big time – on everything! 
The foul weather gear, booties, life jackets, catnip and the sea miles!… We got in more sea miles than we had ever hoped for.  It was a great year! And if you were in on that Mayan Apocalypse passing us by, well – thanks for that too.
The patience that I asked for, however,… the Can Opener still could do with a bit more.* Also the peace on earth. But I realise these things take time. 

This year I ask for but one big thing for the sailing agenda:

  1. double the number of days on the water as last year.

I realise that you could just as easily email the above as a gift certificate/coupon, but I do hope you’ll show up anyway tonight to shake paws all ’round and lend us a few scritches by the tree. 

I’ll have your favourite smoked salmon and oysters laid on. And I’ve saved a few of the Can Opener’s famous almond star cookies for you too this year
But I’ll be drinking all the milk, of course, as you’re driving.

Yours devotedly,

Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

*Though notably he did re-alphabetise my entire Jackie Chan DVD collection without a single complaint.

Cruising Kitty Awarded Elite Honours

Yesterday evening in a small private ceremony held in the ceremonial gardens of Buckingham Palace, our own Cruising Kitty was awarded the St Bastet Medal of Honour for contributions to the art and sport of sailing, presented by the spectacular Dee Cafari in a lime green ensemble with feather hat.

After Ms. Cafari placed the medal around his neck, the Cruising Kitty bowed regally and nodded as the assembled crowd cheered wildly. 
The Princess Catherine and that other guy just helicoptered in from Wales were in attendance; the Princess wearing a svelte little number in turquoise with matching feather hat and brooch.
After the ceremony, the Cruising Kitty was heard to say humbly… from beneath his own trembling feather hat: ‘ ‘Twas but nothing. Just happy to help the sport in any way I can.’

Then he launched himself off of the marquee entrance awning to dive magestically into Dee’s shopping bag as she left the palace premises heading towards the stables or wherever it is that royal guests leave to/from.

–Captain Cat

(transcribed in utter disbelief by the Can Opener)

* The medal is made of gold. On the obverse is an image of Britannia surrounded by the motto, with the words “For Meritorious Service” at the bottom; on the reverse is a dancing salmon, with the words “Smoked salmon – as tasty as fresh”. The name of the recipient is engraved on the rim.

ps. April Fool!

There’s More Than One Alternate Reality

Can Opener: Okay, okay… If I were king… there’d be a Hallberg-Rassy for everyone. And marine electronics that actually last and don’t fizzle after just one year.

Captain Cat: If everyone had a Hallberg-Rassy they wouldn’t be special.

Can Opener: Yeah. They’d still be okay.

Captain Cat: … Anything else? …

Can Opener: Nope. That’s it.

Captain Cat: (tail lashing…)

Can Opener: Oh. Yeah. Okay… If I were king… everyone would have their own Hallberg-Rassy and there’d be as many shrimps in the harbour entrance shrimp dispensers as anyone could ever eat.

Captain Cat: That’s more like it.

–transcribed by the Can Opener

Next: Of All God’s Creatures
Previously: An Alternate Reality

An Alternate Reality

Enter the Cruising Kitty stage left, wearing feather hat and dragging small guilded sceptre

Captain Cat (approaches sofa, deposits sceptre on First Mate’s foot with thump): 

If I were king, it’d all be different. You’d turn on the tap and it’d run milk. The smoked salmon delivery van would come every day. And there’d be a lot more karate how-to videos on youtube.

Can Opener:  ??

Captain Cat: Uh-huh. It’d be a salmon-based economy. Guaranteed success.

Can Opener: I don’t even know where to begin…

Captain Cat: Ah-hah! My discerning logic and keen insight has rendered you speechless!

Can Opener:  Yes…. You also interrupt my well-deserved study break.

Captain Cat:

Captain Cat: 

Captain Cat: Have a shrimp?

Can Opener: Shh. Jackie Chan’s on channel 4.

–transcribed by the Can Opener 

Next: There’s More Than One Alternate Reality
Previously: More Wise Counsel to Anchor Yourself By