The Cruising Kitty’s Sailing Events List 2013


The Cruising Kitty’s Sailing Events List 2013

Here’s a list of the sailing and cruising events the Can Opener and I participated in in 2013:


  • yacht delivery …
  • Red Tabby Cruising Regatta…
  • team racing with the Red Tabby Yacht Club
  • Cowes Week
  • Junior Offshore Group racing 
  • passages with Cap’n André on Un Tigre Beau
  • lectures at the Cruising Association
  • RYA courses
Total number of events: 
  • exams/courses:
  • cruising lectures: 
  • cruising and sailing celebrations:
  • books read: 
  • different boats sailed on:
  • deliveries:
  • days team racing: 
  • days on delivery: 
  • days fleet racing:
  • passage days:  

Total days on the water:

Sea miles gained this year:

Why count up where we’ve been? You gotta know where you‘ve been to know where you’re going. At least, we figure it can’t hurt. And it feels good too.

Next up: I’ve got the Can Opener working on our Cruising Resolutions for 2014. 


–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

The Cruising Kitty’s Lecture List for 2013

The Cruising Kitty’s Lecture List for 2013

Here’s the complete list of the cruising lectures the First Mate and I attended in 2013:
  1. London Boat Show: Diesel Engine Maintenance
  2. London Boat Show:  Autopilots
  3. London Boat Show: Boat Prep and Pre-Rally Checks
  4. London Boat Show: Marine Insurance 
  5. Cruising Association: Auxiliary Systems


Huh. It didn’t seem like so much at the time, but when you write it all down… it adds up nicely!

–Captain Cat
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

The Cruising Kitty’s Reading List for 2013

The Cruising Kitty’s Reading List for 2013

Here’s what the Captain snoozed on during 2013
(and that were subsequently assigned to and read by the Can Opener too):

    1. Around Alone, By Emma Richards


    1. Marine Diesel Engines, by Nigel Calder
    2. The Cruising Life: A Commonsense Guide for the Would-Be Voyager, by Jim Trefethen
    3. The Nature of Boats: Insights and Esoterica for the Nautically Obsessed, by Dave Gerr


  1. The Voyager’s Handbook, by Beth Leonard

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)


Dear Santa

Dear Santa Claws,

Well, the year draws to another close – and in just a few hours, I get to see you again! 
First off, a super big scoop of appreciation for last year. You really delivered big time – on everything! 
The foul weather gear, booties, life jackets, catnip and the sea miles!… We got in more sea miles than we had ever hoped for.  It was a great year! And if you were in on that Mayan Apocalypse passing us by, well – thanks for that too.
The patience that I asked for, however,… the Can Opener still could do with a bit more.* Also the peace on earth. But I realise these things take time. 

This year I ask for but one big thing for the sailing agenda:

  1. double the number of days on the water as last year.

I realise that you could just as easily email the above as a gift certificate/coupon, but I do hope you’ll show up anyway tonight to shake paws all ’round and lend us a few scritches by the tree. 

I’ll have your favourite smoked salmon and oysters laid on. And I’ve saved a few of the Can Opener’s famous almond star cookies for you too this year
But I’ll be drinking all the milk, of course, as you’re driving.

Yours devotedly,

Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

*Though notably he did re-alphabetise my entire Jackie Chan DVD collection without a single complaint.

Christmas Wish List

Dear Santa Claws,
Thought it wasn’t possible, but I’ve actually improved upon perfection and have been an even better cat this year than last. 

Can’t say the same for the Can Opener, but Santa, I can vouch for the fact that he has honestly tried.

This year I’ve dramatically shortened the list and ask for but a few things:

  1. new foulies and boots for the Can Opener
  2. new life jackets for both of us 
  3. a few good boat deliveries to crew on next year so we can rack up some decent sea miles  
  4. patience – the Can Opener deserves some kudos for the hard training and study he’s been putting in. Grant me the patience to notice. And to be more patient when my dinner entrée is late…
  5. that new organic catnip I’ve noticed at Pet-arama
  6. and okay, peace on earth. We sure need it these days.
Look forward to seeing you by the tree again Christmas eve. 
As usual, I’ll have the smoked salmon and oysters laid on. But I’ll be drinking all the milk, of course, as you’re driving all evening.

Yours devotedly,
Captain Cat
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Christmas Lunch at the Red Tabby

Can Opener: Christmas Lunch at the Red Tabby Yacht Club. The definitive marker of the end of sailing season. No more frolicking on the waves till February. No more spinnaker hoist practicing on sparkling days. No more– 

Captain Cat: Hey, you taking that new chick? The one with the cut-rate out-of-date tuna cans?

Can Opener: No. I’m taking She-of-eternal-smoked-salmon. 

Captain Cat: Your ex? Oooooooooo, she’s my fav– 

Can Opener: NO flirting. 

Captain Cat: I never flirt. …I thought you guys were just friends – or does this make her the 15th love of yer life?

Can Opener: Ha! And you’ve only had 30 girlfriends… this summer! 
Captain Cat: With cats it’s different. 

Can Opener: I’ll bet. 

Captain Cat: … Soooo. When are you going to finish the Morris 34 research? 
Can Opener: Right after lunch.

–transcribed by the Can Opener 

The Red Tabby Yacht Club
Going to a Cruising Dinner