Sailing 2013 Begins!

Spring Events Schedule

What‘s on in Spring 2013?

We’ve scheduled ourselves for every lecture we can find in our area, some good courses, special events and even some brave-the-elements sailing! 

If we can find more, we’ll add to the list as we go along.

Here’s our list for Spring 2013:

  • Boat Show lectures
  • Cruising Association lectures
  • 2 Cruising Association seminars
  • Red Tabby lectures  
  • Red Tabby’s Boat Show Cocktail Party
  • RYA first aid course
  • RYA sea survival course  
  • Red Tabby Sailing Forum!
  • passages with Cap’n Davie 
  • Red Tabby J80 sailing?
  • and, of course, the Red Tabby Cruising Committee dinners!

(OY! There’s research, organising and work to be done for the Cruising Committee too, Furrball! Not just mealtimes!  Speak for yerself, Oh OpposableThumbed-One…)

Great Bastet, it’s gonna be great!


–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruisin’ Lectures – Autumn 2012


The end of the summer sailing season has come and gone. There are still a few chances to get in some on-the-water training in the next few months, but it’s also time to look forward to Autumn/Winter and plan for all the best land training this new season will bring.

I have set up a first draft of the Can Opener’s lecture schedule. There’s loads of opportunities to learn in the big city!

I’ve booked the First Mate for:

  • 7 lectures at the Cruising Association
  • 1 lecture at the Red Tabby Yacht Club (so far, hopefully more to come…)
  • 4 networking events at the Red Tabby Yacht Club
  • 2 trips to the Southampton Boat Show
  • 8 mini-lectures at the Southampton Boat Show 
  • 2 RYA specialist courses – First Aid and VHF

It’s a good start. 

Hopefully I’ll be able to load him with a few more learning opportunities as they arise this Autumn/Winter.

We’re taking it to the next level this year. We’re gonna do it aaaaaaaaaall!

–Captain Cat (transcribed by the Can Opener)

Cruising Flashcards

Yes indeed, the First Mate is buckling down and doing some serious cruising and navigation study. He’s so motivated he even created flashcards to review with! 

Flashcards are great to tuck in a pocket before we get on the tube. And a lot lighter than dragging around those hefty cruising textbooks in the man bag.

Knew there had to be some good purpose for all those useless Wharton business cards…

–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

The Can Opener Hits The Books

Shhhh… the Can Opener’s studying. 
Books, maps, divider, plotter, pencils and erasers to chase and to play with. I love it when he studies. 
I stretch out, right in the middle of the biggest map – making sure it’s the one he’s trying to work on, of course. That way the focus is where it should be – on me.

Today we’re working on tidal atlases, piloting and passage making. It’s gonna be grrreat!

I’m leaving the Can Opener to it for a moment – I hear a restorative smoked oyster calling my name. I do find this studying gig to be very hard going.

–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)