How Much Does ‘Cruising’ Fitness Cost?

How Much Does ‘Cruising’ Fitness Equipment Cost? 

How much will it cost to keep the Can Opener in fine form? The First Mate and I industriously researched a few items of interest along Cruising’ Fitness Equipment lines. 

Here’s a sampling of prices for some popular on-board fitness items we found at the websites of a few big retailers. 

Of course, caveat emptor and prices change all the time. This is just a baseline price trawl for rough budget estimating purposes.


Here we go… 

Some Ballpark Prices in the USA  

  • resistance tubing ($5-15 at Walmart)
  • yoga DVD ($7-20 at Amazon depending which one you buy, $5 if you buy used)
  • snorkeling gear (about $30 at Amazon for a medium quality set)
  • skipping rope ($5-10 at Amazon, you can spend $40 if you want somebody’s idea of the ‘Olympic’ version…)
  • Mini Stepper, Stairmaster-type equipment ($40-70 at Walmart depending on what brand you buy
  • TRX Suspension Trainer ($150-200 at Amazon depending on what package you buy)
  • folding bike – good for getting to the store and back ($140-260 at Amazon) and bike repair kit ($25-38 at Amazon)

Some Ballpark Prices in the UK

  • resistance tubing (£9-12 at Sports Direct)
  • yoga DVD (£2-10 at Amazon UK depending which one you buy)
  • snorkeling gear (£18-26 at Sports Direct for just a ‘fun set’)
  • skipping rope (£5-14 at Sports Direct) 
  • Mini Stepper, Stairmaster-type equipment (£35-120 at Amazon UK depending on what brand you buy)
  • TRX Suspension Trainer (£160-200 at Amazon UK depending on what package you buy)
  • folding bike – good for getting to the store and back (£100-210 at Amazon UK) and bike repair kit (£10-15 at Amazon UK)


Above samples are for ‘new’ prices. eBay pros and secondhand treasure-hunters, of course, can drive great bargains.

If you’re into scuba, kayaking or high end bikes and boards, you could spend a bundle. 

But if you’re like us, you can stay in shape with a pair of running shoes, a swimsuit and some pretty nominal purchases. And… no more gym fees! Which is good news for the budget-conscious crowd.

We will probably choose get most of the above – except for the Mini Stepper and the TRX. We’re not yet convinced.  I’d like to investigate more to see if the TRX really adds that much value beyond what the resistance tubing provides.

The folding bike, on the other hand, will probably pay for itself pronto by getting us past the tourist-priced areas near marinas and out to the food and shopping markets used by locals. 

Where did you buy your play/exercise stuff? Would you buy it there again? Any recommendations for good price-value brands?

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Life Aboard 
Previously: Fitness on Boats

20 Small Sailboats to Take You Anywhere – Book Review

Links below at bottom of post
Book the Captain just finished snoozing on:   
20 Small Sailboats to Take You Anywhere, by John Vigor   
Is it possible to find small boats that can sail around the world? What does ocean ‘seaworthiness’ really mean?
Loved this book. Loved it! Could have happily snoozed on it all week. But it’s short enough that I powernapped through it in a single day.
John Vigor, former managing editor of Sea magazine, evaluates and compares the seaworthiness of 20 of the most tried, tested and beloved small yacht designs available. The boats range from 20 to 32 feet in length. 
Any one of these designs would be a solid choice to cross an ocean in. John lays out his analyses and evaluations clearly. Each design is compared to the ideal of seaworthy and also compared to (ranked against) each other.
Vigor points out aspects of seaworthiness as he describes each boat and evaluates them. However, I would have liked a clear introduction defining ‘seaworthy’ independently at the start of the book.
Fortunately, the Can Opener and I also invested in The Seaworthy Offshore Boat, by John Vigor. He defines here seaworthy in the first chapter on pages 2 and 3.

Ocean crossing boat designs should have:

  • sturdier construction
  • stronger spars and rigging
  • more storage
  • less need for weather helm
  • seakindliness
  • ability to manoeuvre
  • habiltability


  • ability to right itself  quickly from a 180 knockdown.

Some bias 
  • There’s a bias in his group ranking scheme towards the larger boats which John readily admits to. It’s for good reason – a longer waterline means it takes a bigger wave to roll the boat. 
  • There also seems to be a bias towards North American designed boats. I expected a few Scandinavian (and possibly French) yacht designs to be included in the group. The closest were US-designed yachts that were ‘descendants’ of the Folkboat, for example.
  • We’re going to add in the Nicolson 31 and the Southern Cross 31 to our long list ofboat designs to consider for ourselves. 
  • This book was a good investment. The criteria for seaworthiness were clearly illustrated and analysed as he considered each design. 
–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener) 
Book Reviews <A HREF=””> Widgets</A> <A HREF=””> Widgets</A>

Morris Yacht Designs & Morris 34

We could only find a vid for the Morris 36. Mostly shows the boat in action sailing. 
At about 1:07~ you get some close ups of winches, fittings etc. Unfortunately, no interior views shown.

Morris Yachts – Highlights

Built very very well… 
Every boat built by Morris is a work of art!’ — John Neal of Mahina Expeditions. 

The shortest Ocean Series design that the Morris yard is currently offering is the Morris 34. The First Mate and I were aiming for circa 30 foot designs as he’ll be solo sailing most of the time – but these boats are so gorgeous we can’t resist taking a peek. 

The Morris 34 was Best Overall Boat of the Year for 1998 at the Annapolis Boat Show so we are not alone in our admiration it seems. 

Not that many built… 
The Morris site notes the Morris Annie 29 design was built 1980~ and only 16 were built. The Linda 28 design is meant to be similar – again only 16 were built. But for Morris, these seem to be long runs. 

More recently… production numbers have increased quite a bit, but I doubt Morris has yet built its 300th boat. If so, that boat would have been built fairly recently.’ – Richard Reinhart, Morris Yachts post, Sailnet 

We had the Morris Annie in our sights, but I think finding one of these on the market will be more than a little tough. 

Hard to find present/past owners’ opinions online… 
Since not so many Morris boats have been made, not so many owners (or past owners) are around. Can’t seem to find too many specific comments on specific Morris boats in sailing forums (just general comments on the Morris yard and their great production standards and after service). 

Ditto can’t find an owners’ association or any sail mag reviews on the shorter Morris designs (though reviews for the Morris 45 and 52 can be seen at Cruising World online). 

But there are some useful comments online… 
So for what it’s worth, here are the highlights of the few the bits we’ve found online, focusing mostly on the Morris 34… 


  • cockpit is set up for either tiller or wheel steering* (tiller is the way we’re planning to go – simple systems mean fewer breakdowns and also the auto-helm will be easier to attach)
  • interiors can be customized* (doesn’t mean much to us who will be buying used, but may appeal to others…)
  • ‘Morris Yachts is well known for building sailboats that border on floating works of art.’ –, Morris Linda 28 page
  • ‘(Morris) don’t wait until a vessel is in the new owners hands to see if there are problems. They look for problems before the vessel is delivered.’ –JHJensen, Marine Educator/Surveyor, Morris Yachts post, Sailnet 


  • ‘Asking prices on the Morris 36s seem to have been rising pretty steadily for the last 5 or so years.’ – Richard Reinhart, Morris Yachts post, Sailnet
  • (Seems to be true for Morris boats in general. Not so great if you are buying; quite nice if you are selling…)

Specs for the Morris 34* 
LOA:             33’9″ 
LWL:             26’1″ 
Beam: 10’5″ 
Draft (Scheel Keel): 4’3″ 
Displacement: 11,400 lbs 
Bavaria 34, 12 yrs old: $89,804 
Contour 34, 12 yrs old: $125,000 
Hallberg Rassy 34, 12 yrs old: $182,676 


Sample Pricing for the Morris 34** 
Morris 34, 7 yrs old: $345,000 
Beneteau 34, 7 yrs old: $97,530 
Jeanneau 34, 7 yrs old: $108,367 
Catalina 34, 7 yrs old: $114,900 

Morris 34, 12 yrs old: $235,000 
Bavaria 34, 12 yrs old: $89,804 
Contour 34, 12 yrs old: $125,000 
Hallberg Rassy 34, 12 yrs old: $182,676 

Criteria Match 

<span lang="EN-GB" style="font

We’d love to have a Morris and will definitely keep our eyes open for examples to take a look at during our research (more likely to be found in the US though). We’re hoping we come across a Morris Annie 29 or a Linda 28. 

However, the Morris 34 looks awfully pricey for our first boat. We’d like to make mistakes and learn on something a little more moderate when we outfit for long distance the first time.WOW, they are pricey. Though beautiful. Ouch.

We’d love to have a Morris and will definitely keep our eyes open for examples to take a look at during our research (more likely to be found in the US though). We’re hoping we come across a Morris Annie 29 or a Linda 28. 

However, the Morris 34 looks awfully pricey for our first boat. We’d like to make mistakes and learn on something a little more moderate when we outfit for long distance the first time. 

For now, for us, the Morris 34 doesn’t make the short list. 

But we’ll keep it on the long list for future reference. We are confident there will be more than one boat in our long term future. 

Have you ever sailed or owned one of these boats? 
What do you think? Would you buy this boat (or buy it again)? 

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener) 

*  Data taken from 
** Sample data taken from

Yacht Designs
Next: Westsail 28 & 32
Previously: What about a Catamaran?

Balancing the Budget

Captain Cat: I’m feeling like a break, some time off – a little lower and under the shoulder blade with the scritches, thank you – perhaps a spa day with jacuzzi? A Christmassy evening at the Fat Duck?
Can Opener: Nothing doin’. Budget’s barely inching ahead – we can’t afford it with your appetite.
Captain Cat: Who said anything about ‘we’, young Can Opener? 
–transcribed by the Can Opener

Going to a Lecture On: How To Survey A Boat

Not getting a good yacht survey can cost you a bundle

 We’re off (Where’s my sceptre and cape? The wiley Can Opener has hidden them!)  to a lecture tonight on how to survey a boat before you buy it. 

It’s at the Cruising Association down at Limehouse Marina. 
We’ll learn how to conduct a thorough inspection of a yacht or small craft. Or at least whatever we can learn in a two hour lecture. (Then we’ll come home and keep reading/snoozing on Don Casey’s Sailboat Maintenance Manual!)
We need to know what to look for when we are narrowing down options to the last one or two picks.

And since small boat surveying is entirely unregulated, it’s a fine idea to know about as much as about it as we possibly can and not rely totally on the surveyor we bring in for the final pre-buy inspection of the yacht-of-our-dreams

We might actually find the best surveyor ever. We might not. If you don’t know much about surveying yourself, it’s hard to tell.

Even if we do find the best surveyor on earth, they’re only human and could miss something. It’s our pocketbook on the line and us that will be living with any flaws that get missed. We need to know about surveying too.

I’m packing the Can Opener’s rucksack full of notebooks, highlighters, pens and smoked oysters. He’ll be taking copious notes for me at the lecture… and directing a constant stream of mollusks toward me to ensure the delicate balance of my electrolytes.

All in all he’s a good First Mate. His recent performance has been quite satisfactory. (If he just relinquishes my cape,) I’ll consider giving him a gold star. 

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener) 
Cruising Lecture Notes

Cost of Cruising Cats


How much to keep the Captain on board in the style to which he aspires?

Lin Pardey says in Cost Conscious Cruiser that ‘a couple setting out should project a yearly cruising budget of about 1/3 of one person’s income’. Can I therefore estimate the Captain’s sea-based costs to be 1/3 of what he costs on land?

I’m thinking ‘no’. 

But his land costs are not that bad. He is a young and healthy cat.

Looking at the owner comments over at Sailnet and Cruisers Forum, best wisdom mentions the following cost categories: food, water, kitty litter and tray, vet fees, safety equipment*, and customs/import permit/vaccination fees for country entry requirements. 

Rough Back of the Envelope Calculation 

I don’t foresee a happy future if I were to cut back on Captain Cat’s food supply. Ditto the water and kitty litter. (You got that right, mate.)

But there should be many opportunities to fish in the great watery supermarkets of the sea when living aboard. That should provide some savings. (Ahhh, I can taste the mahi mahi now… makes my tail curl just thinking of it. And if you stay in my good books, I may even share).

Cat safety equipment items* are a one-off investment and not too pricey. 
  • harness $7 (, £7 (
  • hanging 5-step rope ladder $35 (West Marine), £20 (Force 4)
  • boat hook $20 (West Marine), £21 (Force 4)
  • scoop net $20 (, £9 ( + handle
  • pet first aid kit 
  • netting along life lines  
  • snap-on net cover for the companionway
Fun and Grooming
  • toys
  • catnip
  • carpet shampoo
  • nail clippers

Vet and Entry fees

Costs here of course depend entirely on the country/ies visited and how many visited. From the info at on importing pets into countries, it looks like the required rabies shots, other vaccines, import checks and permits will eventually add up…

The one-off cat safety equipment amounts are pretty nominal – and most of the equipment is needed for humans too. Any gains on food savings, however, will probably be way offset by customs/cat import/vaccination entry fees.

Overall, I predict a slight increase for the on-the-water cat budget. But probably worth it. (Probably?? You bet yer deck boots it’s gonna be worth it!)

Are there any other significant costs of keeping a feline safe and happy on board? (Yeah. You forgot the cost of my water toys: sea kayak, fishing tackle, pool noodles…

Guest post by

–The Can Opener

(supervised by Captain Cat)

* The forums mention that cats do not take well to lifejackets. Something about their balance being thrown off when their shoulders are covered and they get unsteady/woozy. We’ll give the jackets a shot anyway, just to be sure. (Oh no we won’t.) 

Southerly 32


Southerly 32:  Makes the short list? 


Swing Keel
The key differentiator for the Southerly series is its swing keel that allows it to reduce its draft to 2ft 4in – good for anchoring and manoeuvring in shallow depths. We like this. Apparently you can even make reasonable ground to windward with the keel up.

Owner Feedback
The Southerly has a reputation for being immaculately constructed – the swing keel construction is described as ‘bomb-proof’ by one owner-engineer posting on Sailnet forum. The electric hydraulic pump to raise the keel is also backed up by a lever-operated manual pump.

According to owners posting at the Southerly Owners Assocation forum online, the design optimises use of space. It has a reputation for construction to a very high standard. 

I can’t find any owner reviews that have too much negative to say about this design – except that it is expensive. Notably, one comment said bow thrusters are a must due to the twin rudder system. This could be a weakness. What if the thrusters give out while docking in poor conditions? What’s the backup? Overall, great reviews though.

Holds Its Value
Another big positive is that the model and boatyard are still in production/ producing. Sounds like a boat that will hold its value.

We can hardly wait to see one at the Boat Show this winter!

  • LOA: 32ft 9in
  • Beam: 11ft 10in
  • Draft keel up: 2ft 4in
  • Draft keel down: 6ft 11in
  • Tanks fuel: 137 litres/30 gallons
  • Tanks water: 165 litres/36 gallons
  • Displacement: 7192kg/15,855 lbs

  • New – ?   ( …makes my fur stand on end just wondering.)
  • 5yrs – ? 
  • 10yrs – ?
  • 15yrs – ?
  • 23yrs – £46,000 ($71,180)
  • 26yrs – $59,900 (£38,715)

There aren’t too many second hand Southerly 32’s listed for sale online. I can find the two for sale as listed above (as Southerly 100’s) and the Southerly 32 is shown at the Northshore site. Has this model been continuously produced? Or has it been released only recently? It’s not clear from their website.

Criteria Match

  • 32 feet LOA
  • good beam
  • holds its value
  • blue water designed, tested and 
  • a popular design series

  • expensive


The Southerly definitely makes the short list. And to keep to our own ‘boat criteria’ (27~32ft LOA), we are sticking to the Southerly 32.

Have you ever sailed (or owned) this type of boat?
What do you think? Would you buy this boat (or buy it again)?


–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener) 

Yacht Designs

Next: see the Southerly 32 in Action!

*  Data taken from Northshore website
** Data taken from,,

<Update: we have sadly taken the Southerly 32 off our short list for now.

After reading John Vigor’s “The Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat”, we realise that a narrower boat is a better choice for one we’ll be taking on heavy duty ocean crossings. A boat will right itself more quickly if it’s relatively long and thin in the event of a capsize.

The Southerly’s beam is appealing for its addition to living space but seaworthiness is our primary concern for our first voyaging boat. 

Therefore the Southerly moves to our long term list – for now. When we are older and turn our focus more to coastal sailing, the Southerly will be a hot contender then.>


The Plan to Get a Boat


Part 5 of Captain Cat’s Invincible Plan to Get Cruising: 

After confiscating Captain Cat’s crystal decanter-ed Lagavulin 16 Year Old (he’ll never find it in the laundry basket) and interrupting his 22 hour nap (“Zazen meditation”? I don’t think so… ), we sat down and hammered out our plan.

Well, I sat down. CC draped himself over my paper, complained endlessly about the quality of tuna for sushi these days and bapped my pen about. Typical.

Here is what we came up with: 

The Plan to Get a Boat

  1. Research price points by age of boat for the top 3 yacht designs we have narrowed it down to
  2. Research and price in costs of:
    • Refitting (for now, assumed at +50-100% of cost of boat depending on age of boat) 
    • Marina and hauling fees by length – survey
    • Sales tax on boat purchase 
    • Registration costs? 
    • Insurance costs
    • Other costs/s? 
    • Expected resale values after 5, 10, 15 years use

  1. Compare all these same costs in a country by country survey – where can this most cheaply be done? 

         Also consider vs.
    • cost/availability of ongoing offshore training 
    • purchase process in region? Is local infrastructure helpful/sane to facilitate/enforce a major purchase like this?

  1. Identify short list of potential boats to buy and their real total cost (see 2 above)

  1. Research cost/feasibility of a boat loan
  2. Compare cost of boat vs. age vs. safety vs. budget

  1. Decision node:            
    • Go ahead and start purchase process (great advice on ‘How to buy a used sailboat‘ at ‘Messing About in Sailboats’ blog)      OR
    • shared purchase – share cost and time share with another owner      OR
    • Find right boat to crew on as interim solution – training readiness may get ahead of pulling trigger on purchase solution 

What other critical points should be considered? There’s always more… but we’ll get it done.

Guest post by

— The Can Opener