Italy – Destination Dreamin’

Destination Dreamin’ of Italy

This particular Destination Dreamin’ is dedicated to our most adoring and loyal fan, Giorgio, who has sent in such enthusiastic compliments 

We hold our supreme-ness to be self-evident – but it always makes the Captain’s day when someone else notices aloud.

Good fans deserve treats too. I’ve got a tin of Bastet’s Best Smoked Herrings sitting riiiight here beside me with Giorgio’s name on it.
(–No, no. The fish treats are for me. But I’ll think of Giorgio as I eat them...)

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Destination Dreamin’
Next: Malta – Destination Dreamin’
Sardinia – Destination Dreamin’

Mallorca – Destination Dreamin’

We’re Destination Dreamin’ of Mallorca

Mallorca is on our route from mainland Spain to Greece on the upcoming boat delivery. 

The Can Opener is about to begin studying exceptionally hard and all good Can Openers deserve an extra bit of start-up motivation. 

We’re gonna take a moment to relax, put the paws up, crack open the smoked oysters, and picture the future… in Mallorca.  We can hardly wait!!

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Destination Dreamin’
Next: Cruising in Oceania
Next: Menorca – Destination Dreamin’ 
Previously: More Destination Dreamin’ of Spain

More Destination Dreamin’ of Spain

Crewing on the boat delivery from Spain to Greece… looks like it might really come through! 

That gives the Can Opener just a few short months to become bilingual. 

To ensure the deed is well done, I have filled an ipod with Spanish lessons culled from the CD that came with his textbook.  Then I attach this to his head while he is doing my dishes, ironing my cape and polishing my sceptre. 

I expect great results.

Meanwhile we are both so excited, we are doing some more destination dreamin’ of Spain!

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Destination Dreamin’
Next: La Dolce Vita

Previously: Spain – Destination Dreamin’

French, Spanish… and then some!

Just ordered even more great books for the sea library!

But these should be the last additions for a while. Lookin’ forward to more good snoozing ahead…

  • Spanish for Cruisers: The Boater’s Complete Language Guide for Spanish-Speaking Destinations, by Kathy Parsons
  • French for Cruisers: The Boater’s Complete Language Guide for French Waters, by Kathy Parsons


  • Twenty Small Sailboats to Take You Anywhere, by John Vigor
  • Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat: A Guide to Essential Features, Handling, and Gear, by John Vigor

Book reviews coming soon!

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Book reviews coming soon:

Spanish for Cruisers
French for Cruisers    
Twenty Small Sailboats to Take You Anywhere

Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat