Rules, Rules, Rules!

Goodbye 2008~2012, helloooooo 2013~2016!

One of the books always on the First Mate’s bedstand is The Racing Rules of Sailing, by Paul Elvestrom. And last week at the Red Tabby Yacht Club, at the racing section’s most recent lecture, this was exactly the topic of the day. 

So I spruced up the Can Opener, climbed up on his shoulder and steered him downtown to the club. (My ears are still stinging from your firm grip on them, Furrball!)

The discussion, led by a most able and illuminating umpire old cat, focused on what‘s new in the rules for 2013~2016.

So what’s the big deal? 
As usual, there are some significant changes coming down the pipe. And it’s not just that there’s new rules to learn.  It’s that the interpretation of these rules takes a while to iron out. It’s not a speedy process or all cut and dried. It‘s a seeing and doing on the race course. 

How hard will your competitors push the rules? How will the umps interpret them this time? Will the umps in other countries play them the same way? Or even the umpires at the next yacht club

Once things settle down and there’s some kind of precedent established then you can really get down to figuring out how to use these rules to best advantage tactically. 

So what’s new?
Some highlights:

  • inclusion of a new section on environmental responsibility
  • new definition of boats overlapping
  • changes to definitions of mark room and room to round it – again
  • ‘ownership of the zone’ is gone
  • clarifications on ‘room to hail’, responsibilities, hailing at the finish line and hand signals added
  • more clarifications to the definitions and implementation of ‘un/seamanlike’ conduct 

The new The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013~2016, by Paul Elvestrom is already on sale. The Rules in Practice 2013-2016 by Bryan Willis goes on sale Friday. We’ll be honing our boat handling skills next year on racing boats as well as cruising boats so I am requiring the First Mate to zip online today and order new copies of both.  

This is detailed stuff to absorb and he‘ll need the winter to absorb it. 

Have you got your new copy of the rules? Mmph? – not yet??  That new toy rodent may be good, but these rules take ages to sink in… Time to get cracking and assign it to an adoring and motivated underling like I did.

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Sea Library – Autumn Additions

Just ordered some more great books for the sea library! 

We’re officially into Autumn now and with the sailing season slowing down, I’m stocking up on books for the First Mate’s new study regime. 

I’ve found some excellent sailing ‘travel-writing’ books and some more written by solo round-the-world sailors – just the sort of inspiration the Can Opener needs! 

Lookin’ forward to some good snoozing ahead…

Travel Writing

  • The Reluctant Mariner, by Joanna Hackett
  • The Cruising Woman’s Advisor: How to Prepare for the Voyaging Life, by Diana Jessie
  • Cruising in Seraffyn, by Lin Pardey

Solo Circumnavigation 

  • Taking on the World, by Ellen MacArthur
  • Against the Flow, by Dee Caffari  
  • Around Alone, Emma Richards
  • Come Hell or High Water, by Clare Francis 

Book reviews coming soon!

–Captain Cat 

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Coming soon: 

Book review of The Reluctant Mariner
Book review of The Cruising Woman’s Advisor: How to Prepare for the Voyaging Life
Book review of Cruising in Seraffyn  
Book review of Taking on the World
Book review of Against the Flow
Book review of Around Alone
Book review of Come Hell or High Water

Bryan Willis, The Rules in Practice – Reviewed

Links at bottom below post
Book the Captain just finished snoozing on: The Rules in Practice 2009-2012 by Bryan Willis
How have the racing rules of sailing changed since the 2005-2008 version?
What are the new rules and how are they used in a racing?
A truly dense book that I had to snooze devotedly to get through. It’s not the volume of pages that takes time – it’s actually a pretty thin book. It’s the fact that the analysis of each rule takes time to really sink in as you consider the situations from each angle. 
I set myself 15 pages a night to digest and got through it in a week.
Bryan Willis, world championship umpire and judge, IYRU committee member and Olympic jury member, explains how the new racing rules work…
The Best Parts
  • good intro comparing key changes for the 2009-2012 rules versus those from 2005-2008
  • clearly drawn diagrams – made even very complicated multi-boat situations clear
  • well laid out
  • every rule methodically covered from every angle
I was hoping for more useful hints on how to use the rules well to gain tactical advantage. The constant exhortation to err on the side of caution is commendable. But there’s no redress given that will make up for being badly fouled by another competitor.
More emphasis on how tactics are being successfully used with the revised 2009~2012 sailing racing rules would have made this book even more helpful.
This book is a good investment for any racer. The rules were clearly illustrated and analysed as he considered each one in detail and from the perspective of every boat involved.
I’m going to check out Paul Elvstrom Explains the Racing Rules of Sailing next.
Ever read Bryan Willis’ The Rules in Practice? How did you find it?
Any good recommendations for books on tactics and use of the sailing racing rules?
–Captain Cat
(transcribed by the Can Opener)
Book Reviews
Next: World Cruising Survey – Reviewed <A HREF=””> Widgets</A> <A HREF=””> Widgets</A>

Umpire for Team Racing

I‘ve volunteered the Can Opener to help out on the umpire boats at an upcoming Red Tabby Team Racing Regatta.

It’s a great way to give back to a good club and to bone up on the sailing racing rules at the same time.

Why do we need to know the Racing Rules for Sailing if our real focus is on cruising?

Team racing means lots of close quarters manoeuvring. It’s a great way to participate in what in many ways is a totally new (to us) sport – while continuing to hone critical boat handling skills. 

And if you play the game, you’d better know the rules.

Have you ever tried umpiring a team racing event? How’d it go?  

–Captain Cat  

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Update: The umpire training day and regatta were postponed due to icy weather. Hopefully, we’ll get another chance soon…

Update 2:  Looks like this won’t be rescheduled till next winter season. We’re looking forward to joining in then…

More High Performance Snoozing Ahead

What’s the best way to spend a Wednesday?


Seems like it’s shopping online with the Can Opener for… even more great books for the sea library!

We thought the most recent batch would be the last additions for a while… but we couldn’t resist. 

So, more good snoozing ahead (so all that fine sailing and cruising info can seep gently upwards into my mighty brain) with…

  • Offshore Sailing: 200 Essential Passagemaking Tips, by William G. Seifert
  • The Psychology of Sailing: Sea’s Effects on Mind and Body, by Michael Stadler
  • Cruising Under Sail, by Eric C. Hiscock
  • Paul Elvstrom Explains the Racing Rules of Sailing: 2009-2012 Rules, by Paul Elvstrom

Book reviews coming soon!

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Book reviews

Offshore Sailing: 200 Essential Passagemaking Tips
The Psychology of Sailing
Cruising Under Sail
Paul Elvstrom Explains the Racing Rules 2009-2012 

Sea Library

More Additions to the Sea Library

Just ordered some more great books for the sea library! Lookin’ forward to some more good snoozing ahead…

  • The Voyager’s Handbook: The Essential Guide to Bluewater Cruising, by Beth A. Leonard 
  • La longue route, by Bernard Moitessier 
  • Maiden Voyage, by T. Aebi 
  • The Rules in Practice 2009-2012, by Bryan Willis

Book reviews coming soon! 

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Coming soon:

Book review of The Voyager’s Handbook
Book review of
La longue route <A HREF=””> 

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