Super Smoothies for Power Training

Can Opener: Hey! Captain C, your sard–

Captain Cat: You interrupt my karate lesson.

Can Opener: –sardine smoothie arrives. With 10% froth as decreed. I’ll just put youtube on pause then, shall I?

Captain Cat: In a leaded crystal bowl! Yes, that will be fine, Can Opener. All is good in paradise. Muscle rest and recovery is key to maximising… protein after training fuels muscle building… blah, blah, bla. Whatever. Bottoms up!

Captain Cat’s Super Smoothie for Power Training 

Total time to prep:  10 minutes
# Servings:              2
Level of difficulty:   Even the Can Opener can do it

Into a pitcher big enough, dump the following:
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup yoghurt (or frommage frais)
  • 1 cup ripe bananas (3 medium bananas should do it)
  • 1/2 cup strawberries, blueberries, nectarines, peaches, kiwis, mangoes, any kind of frozen berries, or for the very mild palate, pears

Use a potato masher and a fork on a boat (if, like most people, you don’t carry the hand blender on board) – an extra bonus for the biceps. Otherwise, on land and for the fortunate, the handheld mixer is best.

Directions: Peel. Dump. Blend. Slurp.

Options: If you can stand the taste, adding a tablespoon of brewers’ yeast packs a huge vitamin B punch. My observation is, however, that given the choice between brewers’ yeast and more strawberries – most humans will take the strawberries.

Favourite options you’ve added to your smoothie?

–Captain Cat

(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Note: Most cats are lactose intolerant. They love cheese, treats are good – but they shouldn’t be carving out a new food group for it. This recipe is intended for humans. 

Captain Cat, on the other hand, can eat anything, anywhere, anytime. My smoothie was still, of course, made with sardines and water. Obviously. Bring it on.