Cruising Flashcards

Yes indeed, the First Mate is buckling down and doing some serious cruising and navigation study. He’s so motivated he even created flashcards to review with! 

Flashcards are great to tuck in a pocket before we get on the tube. And a lot lighter than dragging around those hefty cruising textbooks in the man bag.

Knew there had to be some good purpose for all those useless Wharton business cards…

–Captain Cat 
(transcribed by the Can Opener)

Study Time

Captain Cat: What d’ya mean, another sailing dinner this week? You’ve been cocktailing and dining up a storm at the Red Tabby! 
When are you going to hunker down and start reviewing tide and current calculations? Apparent wind? Charts and plotting? Distances from dock to the local exotic fish market?

Can Opener: Pretty hard to miss the Team Racing Dinner, Furrball, but… I was thinking the same thing meself…

Captain Cat: (shocked silence)…

Captain Cat: (continued shock)…
Captain Cat: (more shock)…
Captain Cat:  …Right. So… next week’s a study week? You can study while I practice my karate moves on you – all the karate chops across your back’ll be like a luxury massage…

Can Opener: That sounds incredibly painful.

Captain Cat: I’ll only screech ‘Haaaaiiiiiiiiii-YAh!’ and karate chop you when you get an answer wrong.

Can Opener: Hm………  Righty-ho.

 –transcribed by the Can Opener