The Route Actually Taken

Where did we go in the end?
Here’s the route we actually followed during our three week delivery of the catamaran from Malaga, Spain to Poros, Greece…
Delivery Route:
  • From Malaga, Spain through the Alboran Sea
  • Alboran Sea to the Balearic Sea
  • Balearic Sea to Algerian Basin
  • Algerian Basin up to Trapani, Sardinia 
  • North up and over the top of Sicily via Palermo and Milazzo to the Straits of Messina
  • From Messina through the Ionian and Mediterranean Seas to Patras, Greece
  • East through the Gulf of Corinth and the Corinth Canal 
  • And finally to Poros, Greece in the Aegean Sea!

It was pretty ambitious – in the end we travelled 1553 nautical miles in just 3 short weeks. 
We saw winds ranging from 12 knots to 40 knots+, gusts up to 50 knots and swells up to 15 or so feet.

We’ve come a loooong way. And we’ve learned a lot. Time to head home to rest, recover and reflect. 

Well…I’ll be doing the reflecting while the Can Opener busies himself, cleaning and ironing my cape, restocking the pantry, and preparing those 17-step appetizers I’ve been fantasizing about for a good two and half weeks now. 
Outstanding appetizers, as we all know, assist greatly with reflection…
–Captain Cat 
 (transcribed by the Can Opener)

Planned Delivery Route – 6 Seas and a Basin

Here’s the plan…
Delivery Route:
  • From Malaga, Spain through the Alboran Sea
  • Alboran Sea to the Balearic Sea
  • Balearic Sea to Algerian Basin
  • Algerian Basin up to Sardinia (if there’s time)
  • Sardinia past Tyrrhenian Sea and around Sicily 
  • Sicily to Malta (if there’s time)
  • Malta to the Mediterranean Sea
  • Past Ionian Sea to Kalamata, Greece in the Pelopennese
  • Around the Pelopennese to Spestes, Greece on the Aegean Sea!

It’s pretty ambitious – about 1300 nautical miles in 3 weeks. Of course, plans are made to be changed. But this is the plan we’re starting with.
And we’re on our way!!

–Captain Cat

 (transcribed by the Can Opener)